Sunday, May 3, 2009


Moab is the treasure of SouthEastern Utah. We arrived today just in time to take a hike and a few pictures.
This is called "The Windows".
This is called "Balancing Rock". Can you believe they let you walk under this thing?

This is proof we're really here! Sometimes we have to pinch ourselves!
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  1. Wow! I've never been there. Looks amazing! That balancing rock looks like it would be something fun to tip over. Or, I bet they get a lot of jokesters yelling "LOOK OUT BELOW!"

  2. Dear Grandma and Papa, I miss you. Love, Lucy
    Dear Grandma and Papa, I miss you. From, George

    Your trip looks so fun so far! Can I say I'm just a LITTLE bit jealous????

  3. I'm glad it's sunny down there. Jon and Izzy miss you and keep asking when your coming back so we can go to that "fun place"(Discovery Gateway) again. Miss you, Moab looks awesome!
