Sunday, May 17, 2009

Austin Selden Reunion

Since arriving in Austin last Monday evening, blogging has taken a back seat on the priority train. Jon and Suzette have been terrific hosts and tour guides spoiling us with welcome baskets complete with towels and toys and a play-by-play event schedule of activities. Every day for 5 days we have been on such a frenzied pace that even a Crack addict would be proud. (Don't tell the Dr. Pepper folks!) With my new and improved blogging skills, I will attempt to give you a snippit of some of our festivities. Hang on to your underwear.

Jonboy and Suzette--the "Energizer Bunnies".

Day 1-- Just minutes after everyone arrived, we were at Barton Springs Pool, water winging it!

The wet swimsuit train. It was so fun!

Here we are on a kiddie train and a thrilling tour of Barton Springs park. Jane and Jon let go of the safety bar first!
Steve and Barb and Izzy...HANG ON!

Rudy's...the soft bread is the best to Jane and Izzy.

Still in our swimsuits (the Texas way), we finished the day at Rudy's. George ate more barbque than should legally be allowed by a 4 year old. He paid for it later in the night.

After a delicious breakfast casserole (made by Suzette, of course) we headed for a Texas swimmin' hole, "Hamilton Pool". Julia stayed home with George and a bucket.

The gang in the swimmin' hole with lifeguard Denny.

Lucy and Jon discussing the rock formations.

The Hamilton Pool dippers.

Jane and Izzy playing the ever popular game: Coasters!

Chillin' with aunt Suzette!

Next stop, The Oasis. We all had fajitas as we enjoyed a view of Lake Travis.

Lake Travis is below us, about 1,000 feet down!

We chilled for the afternoon and then took off for the flying of the bats at Congress St. Bridge.

Jane and George stirring the water waiting for the bats.

"Bats, where are you?"

Here they come, 1.5 million of them!


Maria's taco breakfast. This closeup of a taco was taken by photographer George.

Jane, moments before she decides to "run around".


Jonboy was the bar-b-que master. Notice the cheese and jalipenos!

While waiting for our dinner at the Grist Mill in Gruene TX, we listened to a country singer and watched for our name to appear on a huge blackboard. Ingenious! We were OWC (out without children) for the afternoon and evening.

Shopping in Gruene.

George downing a DP. He said he doesn't even taste the pepper!
Jon loves his cowboy hat!

The "cool factor" of the jeep was severely challenged by the 3 kiddies in the back seat. Everyone loved Jon's Jeep!


Jane with curls. Logan is also in the picture.

Denny and his ride. (In your dreams, Buster!)

Here we are just before our first big ride at Schlitterbahn. Look at our faces of joy and anticipation.

The weather had a funny joke in mind.

With everything wet and cold, we had a family moment together. As I told Jonathan, "You never remember the sunny camping trips.!"

Whatever happened to the muggy Texas weather? Don't worry kids, daddy Steve with protect you!

Julia and Suzette making the most of a bad situation (smiling all the way).

Thank you Suzette and Jon for the best family reunion EVER! We loved being in your beautiful home and enjoying your great cooking and southern hospitality. We will never forget fitting in so many activities in 5 days and loving every minute of it!



  1. Amen to that! What a fun trip. Mom, I know this post took you 100 hours and your annual swear word to do, but it turned out great!!!! Keep it up!

  2. We had so much fun with everyone. Our house seems way too quiet now. Have fun in New Orleans!!!

  3. Thanks for the post Mom. You're the best! As Julia (of the hit TV show, "Julia's Workout") would say: "WE LOVED HAVING YOU!"
    Really, we LOVEd having you and miss you tons. I can't believe it was just last week that we had our house full of kids running around and laughing and people sleeping on the floor and one in a closet. It was a wonderful time for us and we're so honored that you would all come down here to see us. Hopefully your backs all recover. LOve, JB

  4. Ummm...I wonder if/when our kids will "host" us?
